Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Bloom 2|52 - Eyes {Jackson, MS Photographer}

This week the theme for our group in The Bloom Forum is EYES! Oh how I love eyes! There's nothing like a photo with clear, sharp eyes with beautiful catchlights! But I also wanted to incorporate my family into the theme so I included my 3 boys...my husband is anti-camera so he didn't make it in of this weeks photos.

I know I am totally biased but I think my boy has the prettiest blue eyes ever! And he is so expressive! He could raise one eyebrow at just a few weeks old! One look from these Baby Blues and my heart melts!

  2|52 eyes 

Playing "Peekaboo" with me... 

2|52 eyes 

2|52 eyes 

And last but not least...my furry babies! Pepper and Bo are the sweetest Shelties ever! Pepper is painfully shy and Bo extremely playful and outgoing. Pepper is 6 and Bo is 3. They really are small versions of Lassie! They will forever be my babies too! Don't they have the sweetest eyes? 



  2|52 eyes 

Now...hop on over to Sarah's Blog: Sarah Phillips, MG Design Photography- Lincoln, CA Photographer to see her take on this week's theme!


Traca Miller said...

The peekaboo one is just to die for! Great job!

Heart of the West said...

Your baby does have beautiful blue eyes! Love your photos. Your dog is gorgeous!

Marla said...

The last photo especially is my favorite! The lighting and exposure are perfect! Great capture. I have such difficulty getting any images of mine! He always looks away.

Lauren said...

i especially adore the second image of your son! but the dog photos are so spot on, and i'm totally impressed. you must be the dog whisperer or something, b/c my dog would never, ever hold still long enough for such a sharp shot!

Tiffany said...

Kudos to you for getting in a couple of shots yourself! So cute. Love #2 as well and the doggies eyes shine pretty too.

Unknown said...

I love the peekaboo shots! so so cute and fun to capture those moments. I also love the dog pics!

Karen said...

Love the variety. He certainly is a cutie. Your dogs are so cute and your focus is spot on.